Klebsiella pneumoniae

Klebsiella pneumoniae induces host metabolic stress that promotes tolerance to pulmonary infection

*K. pneumoniae* ST258 elicits a disease-tolerant immune response and adapts to the host airway, enabling its global success

Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales causing secondary infections during the COVID-19 crisis at a New York City hospital

Increased CPE detection in patients with COVID-19 may signal a re-emergence of these highly resistant pathogens in the wake of the global pandemic. Increased surveillance and antimicrobial stewardship efforts will be needed to mitigate their future impact.

CrrB Positively Regulates High-Level Polymyxin Resistance and Virulence in Klebsiella pneumoniae

Highlights: (1) Mutations (SNPs) in crrB induce high-level polymyxin resistance and virulence; (2) CrrB SNPs mediate the addition of both L-Ara4N and pEtN to lipid A; (3) CrrB SNPs alter carbon metabolism including the pentose phosphate pathway; (4) These changes lead to an increase in bacterial virulence at a fitness cost