
An acquired acyltransferase promotes Klebsiella pneumoniae ST258 respiratory infection

Highlights: (1) An acyltransferase (*atf3*) is prevalent in ST258 *K. pneumoniae*; (2) Expression of *atf3* enhances glycolysis, increasing bacterial ATP production and ROS; (3) With *atf3*, the airway metabolome was altered with greater glucose consumption; (4) *K. pneumoniae* expressing *atf3* has a competitive advantage in vivo

Staphylococcus aureus induces an itaconate-dominated immunometabolic response that drives biofilm formation

*S. aureus* induces a distinct airway immunometabolic response dominated by the release of the electrophilic metabolite, itaconate, which drives the production of biofilms associated with chronic infection of the human airway